• What to expect from Family Mediation and Divorce Mediation

    Parenting agreements, asset division, financial arrangements and more

    Mediation - Segal Conflict Solution

Commonly discussed family mediation topics

Let us walk you through some frequent topics that might come up in family or divorce mediation. There’ll be many others too, given every family is unique, but these are the ones that are most common.

What might come up in mediation on general parenting:

  • Parental responsibilities
  • Living arrangements of the children
  • Overnights stays for young ones
  • Telling the children about the separation
  • School holidays and time spent with each parent
  • Travel – both interstate and overseas
  • Passport applications
  • Deciding on schools, which may involve public versus private conversations
  • Special days such as birthdays, religious holidays, Mother’s and Father’s Day
  • Making changes to parenting plans or orders
  • Communication with ex-partner or with children when not in your care
  • Differences in general parenting styles
  • Relocation
  • Extended family or blended family issues
  • Safety issues such as drugs or alcohol
  • Differences in parenting styles in regard to how to deal with issues such as discipline, nutrition and routines
  • New partners rules
  • Right of first refusal
  • Notice periods for intended travel or changing scheduled arrangements
  • Child Support
  • Expenses relating to the children such as school fees, extracurricular activities, medical and dental expenses

What might be covered under financial matters:

  • These discussions require full and frank disclosure
  • We always advise our clients to speak to a family lawyer prior to negotiations within mediation
  • We cover both short-term financial arrangements as well as final property settlements
  • This includes providing a balance sheet of all assets and liabilities
  • How a Family court will review financial and non-financial contributions, alongside the future needs of both parties in regard to property settlements
  • Discussions, for example, on the sale of the family home, distribution of assets and liabilities
  • Discussions around expenses relating to the children
  • Child support
  • Spousal maintenance if applicable
  • School fees and extracurricular activities
  • Medical and dental costs

Bring honesty to the table

Mediation is a forum to have those difficult conversations with the aid of a mediator who will guide the process and help you to explore different options. This is the time to express yourself honestly and openly and bring to the table all issues that are relevant to you and your child’s life.

Please contact Segal Conflict Solutions on 02 8036 55580413 532 353 / saranne@segalconflictsolutions.com.au

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